All of the people in the townships waved to us and were happy to see us. The energy that the kids had was amazing. I like the photo next to it because it shows how first world meets third world.
A couple of kids entertaining themselves on the side of the road above. To the right is a photo of me with a couple of kids that we met at a stop we made. Our guide new an artist that has had artwork shown in Europe with the likes Van Gogh. Very interesting. Here is a talented artist living in the townships. The entire day was full of shocking revelations like that.
To the right is just a group of people in the townships during the day.
To the left is a plot in the townships. The photo, like many of them, speaks for itself. I do not know what this family has been through, but there is still emotion in the photo.
That is it for this post. Not a lot of words this time, but a few pics for you to try and see what I am seeing. We were able to visit our third volunteer site where our group will help out, Missionvale Care Center. It is a place where people can come to get food among other things. They need to help pick up trash or some other act in order to receive anything first. They are trying to get people off the thought that the government will do it for them. Try and instill a better work ethic in the people.
Thanks for reading. Cheers,
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